They’ve Gone Plaid

Roadtrip is not just a neo-collegiate-classic film featuring Tom Green and others; it is in fact what Plaid Branding of Danbury is up to in t-minus 2 days with their very own Plaid Nation Tour 2008.

This time those fresh faces of fresh facers are headed west. As John Wayne said, “The Western Plains are rough but the east needs meat.” Though that’s a whole different kind of branding that involves a lot more pain for the great-American-bovine.

The street pounding Plaid crew will be visiting Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Redding, San Fran, San Luis Obispo, San Diego and Vegas. They will be headed out on the trail in a van equipped with a camera, twitter (@plaid), blog, and instant messaging to show various companies throughout the tour how different social media tools can work for a brand. 

The life of traveling brand man.

Last year Darryl, creator of Plaid, and co. did an east coast oriented excursion. Through trips like these businesses have a chance to meet their clients and potential clients and re-excite them about a service they receive or could receive.

It’s interesting to note that the Plaid folks are creating a paradox in that they are using a technologies, while on this epic journey, that allow for people far away from one another to correspond. It’s a way of proving that with energy and enthusiasm the world of face-to-face is not obsolete but coexistent with that of social and online media.








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